Friday, November 26, 2010

Moving on

Well, I guess I did not do as well as I thought I would on my paper. The comments that were attached to my paper said that my hanging indents were a little off which I am not sure why they are the same that I have done in all other classes, but what are you going to do. I have always said that I am not much of a writer. Although I do think I am better than when I started. I think my paper was a little better than a C but that's why I am not the teacher. Another part is this APA format, I guess I will never get that right because I try to go by the book and got it wrong and I let the computer library format it for me and still got some of it wrong. I totally understand siting your sources, but getting it exactly right is nuts. Well good luck to all of you in your futures.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The End

Well another term gone. I wish the best to everyone in their new careers. I know I have been in school for a while, and I am getting so tiered of looking for work and some many saying no new grads. This is very frustrating because everyone says go to school but so far I have not seen the benefits yet. Granted I do know more than I did before, but so far it is not helping in getting work.


First I would like to ask what you meant with your last comment proof, proof, proof professor? Trying to make sure my paper is good enough to turn in, it will be on time but just trying to add to my paper and every time I try to add to it, it messes another part up. I have reworded it but so far that is all. I have had this problem with other papers, once I have the paper written it is hard to make it grow.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


After writing a draft of a paper revisions are necessary to make sure that you are getting your message across in a flowing manner. Revisions does not mean rewriting all it may be is adding or subtracting information, and in some cases and in some parts of the paper no not have to be changed at all.


It is funny but at the same time it is not funny, when you are in school and think one subject would be simple and others are not so simple. So far the subjects that I thought would be easy are really kicking my but while the subjects that I figured I would do poorly in, are actually the subjects that I do better in. Go figure!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Hay I finally got the picture to work. Even though there is only two more seminars left, I guess it's better late then never. Man ten weeks seems so long at the beginning of the term, but it goes by so fast it's like a blur. Well it's the start of the holiday season and once again hour at work are almost nothing. I figured that it would be easier to get work as a phlebotomist after I got certified but no, it seems that even doing all the schooling I have done, it's not getting me anywhere. It is starting to really suck.

Monday, November 8, 2010


My trip to SC. was good, but the four days that I was gone it kicked my but with trying to stay on my time and working with there time three hours ahead. Now I get back and they change there time, hear in Arizona we do not ever change our clocks or time. Now getting back into the grove and finish this term will be great. After this I am having to finish my application for my clinicals. I only have four more classes and clinicals plus externship then I will be done for now.